Mission Statement
We are committed to the development of community-based, non-adversarial responses to conflict and differences that strengthen social harmony and support individual healing. We serve the communities of Santa Barbara County by providing: compassionate communication, appropriate dispute resolution and problem solving practices, Restorative Justice, consultation, training, and mediation services.
Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices Training. |
Saturday & Sunday, May 14 9:00am – 5:00pm & May 15 9:00am – 5:00pm in Santa Maria Training info flyer |

Imagine a community…
Where conflict is seen as an opportunity.
Where people in conflict regularly seek a constructive forum for resolving differences.
Where schools teach children effective communication skills.
Where everyone can use mediation regardless of economic circumstances.
Where people who harm others have the opportunity to make things as right as possible through a “restorative” justice process.
Where constructive, creative problem solving is used as a first resort to reach agreements, repair relationships and build community.
Imagine this is our community.