¿Qué es la Mediación?

La mediación es una manera constructiva para resolver diferencias y conflictos entre individuos, grupos y organizaciones. Es una alternativa a una confrontación destructiva o a la violencia cual puede ser prolongada. La mediación les ofrece a los participantes la oportunidad de tomar la responsabilidad de solucionar su controversia y controlar totalmente el resultado. La mediación comunitaria está diseñada para satisfacer los intereses individuales, mientras que el al mismo tiempo se fortalezcan las relaciones de las personas y grupos.  Con esta oportunidad se puede crear un proceso que contribuye a comuninades que funcionen para todos nosotros.

La mediación es un proceso voluntario guiado por un mediador neutral cual le ayuda a las personas a comunicarse el uno con el otro y trabajar juntos para negociar y resolver sus conflictos. El papel del mediador es reconozer los diferentes estilos y personajes y promover una comunicación honesta entre los participantes.  De tal manera pueden llegar a un acuerdo mutuamente satisfactorio. En la mediación se presenta la oportunidad de expresar las diferencias de una manera constructiva y “escuchar el uno al otro”, aun cuando un acuerdo no se pueda alcanzar.

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Benefits of Mediation


You are encouraged to work together to solve problems and reach the best solution.


You choose to participate in this solution-focused process.


You have complete decision-making power and a veto over each and every provision of any mediated agreement. Nothing can be imposed on you.


Mediation is confidential. The mediator cannot testify for or against you. What is said in mediation cannot be used later in court or arbitration. The only exception to that rule is a signed, final agreement.


The average mediation costs about $100 per person and can result in a signed written contract between the parties at the table.

Private and Personal

Mediation takes place in a comfortable, private environment rather than an open courtroom, and the parties decide who needs to be involved. The time, place, and duration of the sessions are determined by you, the other party, and the mediator.

Self-Responsible and Satisfying

In mediation you are actively involved in resolving your own conflict and developing a resolution that fits the particular circumstances of your life. Research has shown that these elements dramatically increase the likelihood that both parties will be satisfied with the result, finding it easier to comply with the terms of the agreement.

The Mediator’s Role…

…is to ensure that parties reach agreements in a voluntarily and informed manner, and not as a result of coercion or intimidation.

Impartial and Neutral – The mediator will assist you and the other party equally without favoring one side or the other. The mediator has no interest in making you settle your dispute.

They are unbiased about what you and the other party put in your agreement. The mediator will not decide who is right, give legal advice, or recommend solutions.

If because of the individuals or issues involved, a mediator cannot maintain neutrality, they will withdraw.

Centro Para Solucionar Conflictos